
Adarro Minton is a fascinating writer of great power and will; his stories move the soul and warm the mind.
Allex Spires

Adarro’s work is brassy, insightful, brazen, and uniquely refreshing. You’ll find his writing utterly filled with ingenuous, unambiguous prose: his realism will make you lose yourself among the pages and you will long to return to his writing again and again. After reading Adarro’s work I can’t imagine walking away from his writing and forgetting about what I have read and you too, will carry his stories with you.
Dayna Winters

Minton's voice resonates with a tough and still tender realism. He gives spirit and flesh to the disenfranchised.
Marlene Rosenfield-Crawford

Richly atmospheric, Adarro Minton’s writing tenaciously captures quotidian details in a fresh and unique way, so much so that life’s seeming invisibilities become whole new worlds worthy of contemplative attention.
William Whalen

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Break-up

a paper cut,
a dark night table stubbed toe
-----(the un-funny funny-bone)
a vibrating mosquito,
the reflected eyes of a pink pull-over cop,
a dropped sweet vanilla ice cream cone,
a baby crying plane
-----(trapped on a three-hour fleeing runway)
a dog shit heel step,
locked in keys,
all this, and the loss of my love.

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